
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Help TWELVE FOOT NINJA create an epic! (video)

The dynamic Australian band TWELVE FOOT NINJA have already created some very tasty rock videos (see below) but they have a plan to make a real EPIC! So, they have started a fund-raising campaign and they are already more than half way there. You have to give them credit for originality!

From the band:

"Internet trolls aka keyboard warriors: their cyber bullying pollutes the Internet with the primary objective of bringing people down. We, Twelve Foot Ninja, are embarking on an ambitious music video project to play out the most extreme, fantastical retaliation story we could conjure! Aiding us in combating this contentious issue: U.S band Periphery, a 7ft stuffed brown bear and a Penthouse model (to name just a few).

Want to see it? Well we need your help to make it all happen!

If we had a dollar for every Facebook, Twitter or Youtube comment asking us to make another music video we could have paid off multiple music videos by now, hence this crowd funding campaign. 

To make this concept a reality we will require more resources, more expertise, more crew, more special effects and more funding in order to make a truly EPIC music video. How EPIC? We're talking creating an actual troll using Lord of The Rings quality prosthetics, Quentin Tarantino quality gore, a fully choreographed fight scene, building props to smash, military grade weaponry, and if you can imagine...Mincing a troll into burger patties to be dowsed in mustard and ketchup and devoured by Periphery and Twelve Foot Ninja! Don't you think that would be satisfying!?"

Here is the link to the campaign:

Earlier videos:


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