
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

DAYBREAK EMBRACE - Studio Update #1 (video)

Our friends DAYBREAK EMBRACE have entered the studio to work on album #2 and here is the first update:

James Wamsley "Wamo" - Lead Vox
Keneth Figueroa - Rhythm Guitars
Dan Cartagena - Lead Guitars
Dani Costa - Bass
Giann Rubio - Beats On Things, & sings a little

With over ten years experience playing in the South Florida rock scene, the founding members of Daybreak Embrace are no strangers to pleasing crowds with their edgy brand of soulful hard rock. Pulling influences from multiple genres, Daybreak Embrace strives to make music that showcases meaningful lyrics against a musical backdrop of raw energy. Having released their debut EP, Tomorrow Awaits, Daybreak Embrace has set their sights on touring and bringing their creative blend of aggression and soul to the masses.


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