
Thursday, January 17, 2013

You have funded the new album from PROTEST THE HERO (video)

In just 30 hours, Protest The Hero hit their funding goal...and $ continues to come in.

The statement when they started:
"We have completed all of our obligations to record labels. It's time to go it alone and take control of our careers. It's now or never!  We will no longer be accepting monetary advances from labels to fund albums. We now turn to our friends, family, and our fans to help us make this album. Please take a look at our campaign — then decide whether to throw us a couple bucks or a couple of middle fingers!"

Last night the band said:
"No words can describe how we feel after these past 30 hours. I have seen Juno and Grammy award speeches where they say “we have the greatest fans in the world”. I don’t think they have the first clue. Thanks to all of you who have helped us realize our dream of being independent and continuing to make the music we love so much. We have many announcements and updates over the next 28 days to keep you entertained! Stay tuned."

Get the details here:


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